
BCR Episode: Maestro Ron Carter on Cello

April 04, 2022


#vinyl #eclectic #community radio

The end of this broadcast is unlike any we have done in 13 years of broadcasting. It felt so healthy. So stoked this episode happened live over FM, and that it is archived.

Original music beds by BCR Band Leader: The Arc of All. www.arcofall.com

Broadcast live on Muskegon 100.9 WFFR-LP on 4_4_22. from 7:30-9:30pm EST.

Thank you so much to all of our sponsors and endorsers!

This is the Situation – www.thisisthesituation.com
RME – www.rme-usa.com
Muskegon Community College – www.muskegoncc.edu
Peluso Microphones – www.pelusomicrophonelab.com
The Electric Kitsch – www.facebook.com/theelectrickitsch
SSP Unlimited – www.sspunlimited.com
Harbor Hospice & Palliative Care – www.harborhospicemi.org
Cohearent Audio – www.cohearent.com
Linear Tube Audio – www.lineartubeaudio.com
The CD Exchange – https://www.cdxmuskegon.com/
Stoughton Printing – www.stoughtonprinting.com
GrooveWasher – www.groovewasher.com
ecoustics – www.ecoustics.com
Audeze – www.audeze.com

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